
Vertical Glass cutting plotter
Traditionally, the masking PVC vinyl film is cut using a small cutting plotter, then pasted onto the glass for processing.Now, we have completely changed the production process. By using our creative ArtCut Vertical Cutting Plotter, you paste the vinyl film on the glass, cut the pattern directly on the sticker, then peel off the parts where the glass is to be sandblasted or acidetched
Two types of cutting plotter

Blade type

Laser+Blade type
How the plotter works:
With CNC technology, this vertical vinyl film cutting plotter works with “ArtEngrave” and “NcStudio” software to create drawings and control the machine. The cutter/laser is driven by three motors on the X, Y, and Z axes. The production process has totally changed, we now only need to paste the sticker onto glass and then cut the designs directly on the glass, which saves a great deal of time and effort. Corel Draw, AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, ETC。, can also be used to design the drawings. For further processing, you can sandblast the glass, acid etch the glass, or deep-carve the glass.

What are the differences between using a blade cutter and a laser cutter?
1 | It is possible that the blade will move out of the glass due to the measurement error, and when it returns to the glass, it will strike the edge of the glass. In order to prevent the blade from breaking, the laser can cut to the edge of the glass while the blade must leave a 3 mm margin from each edge of the glass. |
2 | The laser can be used to add additional etching to the glass surface after it has been sandblasted or acid etched |
3 | The laser leaves scratches on glass surface, while the blade pressure is adjustable, so it does not hurt the glass/mirror surface.In the case of sandblasting/acid etching, the scratches created by laser would not affect the result, since the scratches would be covered by the sandblasting/acid etching |
4 | To make smart touching mirrors, the laser can be used to remove the mirror coatings. |
5 | After cutting around 50 pieces of glass sheets (depending on the complexity of the design), the blade will wear out, so it will need to be replaced every few days. Lasers have a life of more than 1000 小时, and may only need to be replaced after half a year or a year. |


Use Cases

State-of-the art Cutting & Sandblasting process
We manufacture three machines to do sandblasting:
1.Laminator: applies vinyl film onto glass
2.Vertical cutting plotter: cuts vinyl film
3.sandblasting machine: sandblasting using turbine
We manufacture three machines to do sandblasting:
1.Laminator: applies vinyl film onto glass
2.Vertical cutting plotter: cuts vinyl film
3.sandblasting machine: sandblasting using turbine
4.Button laser engraving machine:Touch buttons for carving mirrors, time

质量是我们的首要使命,是支撑公司的生命线, 这是与客户保持长期业务关系的最重要因素. 特别注重每台大型激光机的质量. 标准的质量控制体系和团队负责通过激光干涉仪、激光功率计等不同仪器确保每道工序的产品质量. 激光干涉仪和激光准直仪通过机械组装工艺使用. 在激光组装过程中,采用激光功率计和光学显微镜.

每台机器均通过ISO CE IAF认证.

7月LIKE LASER成立 2003 in Shijiazhuang, 河北省省会, 中国. 自主研发大尺寸激光系统及芯片是中国北方最大的激光设备制造商之一. 公司主要产品有: 大尺寸智能镜面雕刻机, 大尺寸玻璃蚀刻机, 大幅面不锈钢激光蚀刻机, 大幅面金属深雕蚀刻机. 以玻璃为主, 镜子, 不锈钢, 铜, 铝, 其他金属, 表面雕刻后 17 年的发展, 公司已通过ISO90001国际质量体系认证, 欧盟CE认证和美国认证.
1.超过 20 多年LED镜子、浴室镜生产经验, 服务于 5000 镜子, 浴室玻璃, 和艺术玻璃厂. 经过多年的发展, 我们可以提供多种LED镜面生产工艺
1.超过 20 多年LED镜子、浴室镜生产经验, 服务于 5000 镜子, 浴室玻璃, 和艺术玻璃厂. 经过多年的发展, 我们可以提供多种LED镜面生产工艺
2. 电梯装饰/大型不锈钢装饰行业, 与超过 5 多年耕耘, has a large number of elevator decoration/large stainless steel designs, 服务于 400 电梯设计公司, 有效替代化学蚀刻,减少水污染
3.在大型金属广告及标牌行业, 经过五年多的耕耘, 激光金属深雕技术已实现, 有效替代化学蚀刻,减少水污染


1)包装:整膜包装机; 防撞包边; 免熏蒸胶合板木箱和托盘,带铁捆扎带2)船运:我们与具有远洋运输经验的公司合作,保证您的机器安全. 我们还提供火车运输, 尤其是对俄罗斯, 乌克兰及其他内陆国家3)支付:我们支持电汇, 信用证, 签证, 万事达卡付款条件与阿里巴巴贸易保证.


1. 采购服务LIKE LASER拥有专业、高效的工作团队。如果您是激光机新手, 我们会给您整个工作的专业建议 .2. 运输服务LIKE LASER有一个专门且独立的部门,专门为买家的货物安排运输。工作人员都懂T/T,信用证项目良好。所有出口文件都可以完美制作。3.安装服务所有LIKE LASER公司的机器都提供安装服务。我们将派遣技术人员到买方工厂安装和准备机器。4.客户培训服务LIKE LASER建议买家可以派自己的技术人员来我厂学习如何操作机器。LIKE LASER公司技术人员将手把手教和培训学习者,直到他能自己操作机器。5.售后服务LIKE LASER机器保修期为三年, 除易损件外;常问问题Q1: 我对这台机器一无所知, 我应该选择什么样的机器?非常容易选择. 只需告诉我们您想使用数控激光机做什么, 那么让我们给您完美的解决方案和建议。Q2: 当我拿到这台机器时, 但我不知道如何使用它. 我应该怎么办?我们将随机器发送视频和英文手册. 如果您还有疑问, 我们可以通过电话或 Skype 和电子邮件交谈。Q3: 如果本机在保修期内出现问题, 我应该怎么办?如果机器出现问题,我们将在机器保修期内免费提供零件. 同时我们还提供免费的终身售后服务. 所以有任何疑问, 请告诉我们, 我们将为您提供解决方案. 第四季度: 在向我发送有关我们的大型激光机的询问之前, 您最好向我提供以下信息1)您的金属或非金属材料尺寸. 因为在我们工厂, 我们根据工作区域有不同的型号。2)您的材料。金属/亚克力/玻璃/MDF?