
Types of Laser Marking Machine

Laser Marking Machine

Lasers are used for a variety of marking purposes, 從添加文字和徽標到雕刻圖像和圖案. 然而, 並非所有雷射都適合所有類型的標記, 了解雷射類型之間的差異對於為特定打標項目選擇最佳雷射至關重要.

For instance, CO2 Laser Marking Machine are ideal for marking on non-metallic materials such as wood, 紙, 和塑膠. They are also suitable for cutting and engraving applications, making them a versatile option for a wide range of marking projects.

Fiber lasers are best for marking on metallic materials such as stainless steel, 鋁, and titanium. They are also ideal for applications that require deep engraving or etching. Fiber lasers are a good option for applications that require high precision and high-quality markings, and they are also suitable for high-volume marking projects.

Diode lasers are best for marking on plastic materials, and they are also ideal for applications that require high speed and high-volume marking. They are often used for adding serial numbers and barcodes, making them a popular option for the packaging industry.

綜上所述, it’s essential to consider the type of material you’ll be marking and the specific marking requirements when choosing a laser. CO2 lasers are versatile and ideal for marking on non-metallic materials, fiber lasers are best for marking on metals, and diode lasers are suitable for marking on plastic materials. Understanding the differences between laser types will help ensure you choose the best laser for your marking project.


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