Professional 1530 Glass Laser Sandblasting Machine Mirror Glass Design Machine With Low Price
Pregled izdelka
Large Format Laser Sandblasting Machine For Mirror Glass
It newly developed by LIKELASER is specially designed for innovation of art glass, Including surface frosted markings, LED mirror light strip engraving. this machine with low noise, fast speed, high precision, low consumption, low labor cost, maintain-free and eco-friendly, is the best modle for company upgrading and designer’s idea showing. there will be no limitation for your creativity and innovation from now on.

Ime izdelka | CNC Laser Sandblasting Machine For Mirror Glass | ||
Laserska moč | 10w/15w/20w | ||
Marking Area | 1300×2500mm / 1500×3000mm / 2000×3000mm | ||
Wavelength | 355nm | Plus Width | 2~500nm |
Frenquency | 1~4000kHz | Cooling Method | Water-cooling |
Reducer | Japan Shimpo | Power Supply | 380V/220V |
MOQ | 1 Set | Utež | 1200kg |

1.3rd Generation Aviation Aluminum Gantry
It is manufactured with aerospace standards and formed by 4300 tons press extrusion molding. After aging treatment, its strength can reach 6061 T6 which is the strongest strength of all gantries. Aviation aluminum has many advantages, such as good toughness,light weight, corrosion resistance, anti-oxidation, low density, and greatly increase the processing speed.
2.High quality machine tools
The unique machine tool mechanism with self-service design, multiple imported servo motors, imported electrical components, and thickened workbench make the machine stable and durable
3. One machine with multiple functions
It can carve patterns on the surface of metal plates of various sizes and thicknesses, and can also carve mirrors directly for the manufacture of bathroom mirrors and household appliances!
4. Environmental protection
Metal surface carving can replace most of the etching process without any pollution!
It is manufactured with aerospace standards and formed by 4300 tons press extrusion molding. After aging treatment, its strength can reach 6061 T6 which is the strongest strength of all gantries. Aviation aluminum has many advantages, such as good toughness,light weight, corrosion resistance, anti-oxidation, low density, and greatly increase the processing speed.
2.High quality machine tools
The unique machine tool mechanism with self-service design, multiple imported servo motors, imported electrical components, and thickened workbench make the machine stable and durable
3. One machine with multiple functions
It can carve patterns on the surface of metal plates of various sizes and thicknesses, and can also carve mirrors directly for the manufacture of bathroom mirrors and household appliances!
4. Environmental protection
Metal surface carving can replace most of the etching process without any pollution!

Kontrola kakovosti
Kakovost je naše najpomembnejše poslanstvo, ki podpira življenjsko vrv podjetja, in je najpomembnejši dejavnik za ohranjanje dolgoročnih poslovnih odnosov s strankami. Posebna pozornost je namenjena kakovosti vsake enote velikega laserskega stroja. Standardni sistem nadzora kakovosti in ekipa sta odgovorna za zagotavljanje kakovosti izdelkov v vsakem procesu z različnimi instrumenti, kot sta laserski interferometer in laserski merilnik moči. Laserski interferometer in laserski kolimator se uporabljata v procesu mehanskega sestavljanja. V procesu laserskega sestavljanja,sprejeta sta laserski merilnik moči in optični mikroskop.

Vsak stroj ima certifikat ISO CE IAF.
Naša tovarna
Lepo vabljeni, da obiščete našo tovarno!!!Lepo vabljeni, da nas kontaktirate neposredno za več informacij!!!

LIKE LASER was established in July 2003 in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei Province, China. Self research and development of large size laser systems and chips It is one of the largest laser equipment manufacturers in northern China. The company’s main products are: large-size intelligent mirror engraving machine, large-size glass etching machine, large-format stainless steel laser etching machine, large-format metal deep engraving etching machine. Mainly glass, mirror, nerjaveče jeklo, copper, aluminum, other metals, surface engraving After 17 years of development, the company has passed ISO90001 International Quality System Certification, EU CE Certification and US Certification.

Pakiranje in pošiljanje

1)Pakiranje:Stroj za pakiranje celotne folije; rob paketa proti trku; lesena škatla iz vezanega lesa brez zaplinjevanja in palete z železnim vezalnim pasom.2)Pošiljanje:Sodelujemo s podjetjem, katerega izkušnje v pomorskem transportu bodo zagotovile varnost vašega stroja. Nudimo tudi železniški prevoz, predvsem v Rusijo, Ukrajino in druge notranje države.3)Plačilo:Podpiramo T/T, L/C, VIZUM, Plačilni pogoji Mastercard z Alibaba Trade Assurance.
Stranke in razstava

Naše storitve

1. Storitev nakupa LIKE LASER ima specializirano in učinkovito delovno ekipo. Če ste novi na laserskem stroju, dali vam bomo specializiran predlog celotnega dela .2. Storitve pošiljanja LIKE LASER imajo specializiran in neodvisen oddelek, ki samo ureja pošiljanje blaga kupca. Delavci poznajo T/T,Predmeti L/C dobro. Vse izvožene dokumente je mogoče narediti popolno. 3. Storitve namestitve Storitve namestitve so na voljo z vsemi stroji podjetja LIKE LASER. V kupčevo tovarno bomo poslali tehnika za namestitev in pripravo strojev. 4. Storitev usposabljanja strank LIKE LASER svetuje kupec lahko pošlje lastnega tehnika v našo tovarno, da se nauči upravljati stroje. Tehnik podjetja LIKE LASER bo ročno učil in usposabljal učence, dokler ne bo lahko sam upravljal stroja. 5. Poprodajne storitve Garancijski čas za stroje LIKE LASER je tri leta, razen potrošnega materiala;pogosta vprašanjaQ1: Nič nisem vedel o tem stroju, kakšen stroj naj izberem?Zelo enostavno izbrati. Samo povejte nam, kaj želite narediti z uporabo CNC laserskega stroja, potem naj vam ponudimo popolne rešitve in predloge. V2: Ko sem dobil ta stroj, vendar ne vem, kako ga uporabiti. kaj naj naredim?S strojem bomo poslali video in angleški priročnik. Če še vedno dvomite, lahko se pogovarjamo po telefonu ali skypu in e-pošti.Q3: Če se med garancijskim obdobjem s tem strojem pojavijo težave, kaj naj naredim?V garancijskem obdobju stroja bomo dobavili brezplačne dele, če ima stroj težave. Zagotavljamo tudi brezplačne doživljenjske poprodajne storitve. Torej morebitni dvomi, samo sporočite nam, ponudili vam bomo rešitve. Q4: Preden mi pošljete povpraševanje o našem velikem laserskem stroju, bolje je, da mi posredujete naslednje informacije1)Vaša velikost kovinskega ali nekovinskega materiala. Ker v naši tovarni, imamo različne modele glede na delovno področje.2)Vaši materiali. Kovina/akril/steklo/MDF?
Ni še nobene ocene.