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Antikythera K30 Mirror Frame Aluminum Profile Round Bending Making Machine For Mirror Aluminium Profile


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Antikythera K30 Mirror Frame Aluminum Profile Round Bending Making Machine For Mirror Aluminium Profile
Pregled izdelka
Metal Round Bending Machine
Professional for light box frame round bending,photo frame,mirror frame,ceiling lighting,home and business
decoration,advertising.Various of profiles and shapes can be made automatically,also can be customized according to your materials.
Light box frame,photo frame,mirror frame,ceiling lighting frame,other metal frame
Application Material
Aluminum profile
Material thickness
Minimum arc radius
Control System
Automatic bending system
Feed speed
Rated pressure
Machine Size

Machine Features

1.The machine adopts big power servo motor at rotating speed 3000r/min,to ensure the working speed at 150mm/s,highworking efficiency .And easy to process high hardness materials.2.With closed-loop control system, ensures process accuracy.3.Precision gear transmission, low noise ,higher load bearing.4.Intelligent software and feeding motor support, easy to operate and process.5.Software one-click process,easy to operate,save labor.6.free upgrade, zero cost maintenance
Naša tovarna
Lepo vabljeni, da obiščete našo tovarno!!!Lepo vabljeni, da nas kontaktirate neposredno za več informacij!!!
LIKE LASER was established in July 2003 in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei Province, China. Self research and development of large size laser systems and chips It is one of the largest laser equipment manufacturers in northern China. The company’s main products are: large-size intelligent mirror engraving machine, large-size glass etching machine, large-format stainless steel laser etching machine, large-format metal deep engraving etching machine. Mainly glass, mirror, nerjaveče jeklo, copper, aluminum, other metals, surface engraving After 17 years of development, the company has passed ISO90001 International Quality System Certification, EU CE Certification and US Certification.

Main achievements:

1.Over 20 years of experience in the production of LED mirrors and bathroom mirrors machine, serving over 5000 mirror, bathroom glass, and art glass factories. After years of development, we can provide multiple LED mirror production processes

2. Elevator decoration/large stainless steel decoration industry, with over 5 years of cultivation, has a large number ofelevator decoration/large stainless steel designs, serving over 400 elevator design companies, effectively replacing chemical etching and reducing water pollution
3.In the large-scale metal advertising and signage industry, over five years of cultivation, laser metal deep carving technology has been achieved, effectively replacing chemical etching and reducing water pollution
Stranke in razstava
Naše storitve
1. Storitev nakupa LIKE LASER ima specializirano in učinkovito delovno ekipo. Če ste novi na laserskem stroju, dali vam bomo specializiran predlog celotnega dela .2. Storitve pošiljanja LIKE LASER imajo specializiran in neodvisen oddelek, ki samo ureja pošiljanje blaga kupca. Delavci poznajo T/T,Predmeti L/C dobro. Vse izvožene dokumente je mogoče narediti popolno. 3. Storitve namestitve Storitve namestitve so na voljo z vsemi stroji podjetja LIKE LASER. V kupčevo tovarno bomo poslali tehnika za namestitev in pripravo strojev. 4. Storitev usposabljanja strank LIKE LASER svetuje kupec lahko pošlje lastnega tehnika v našo tovarno, da se nauči upravljati stroje. Tehnik podjetja LIKE LASER bo ročno učil in usposabljal učence, dokler ne bo lahko sam upravljal stroja. 5. Poprodajne storitve Garancijski čas za stroje LIKE LASER je tri leta, razen potrošnega materiala;pogosta vprašanjaQ1: Nič nisem vedel o tem stroju, kakšen stroj naj izberem?Zelo enostavno izbrati. Samo povejte nam, kaj želite narediti z uporabo CNC laserskega stroja, potem naj vam ponudimo popolne rešitve in predloge. V2: Ko sem dobil ta stroj, vendar ne vem, kako ga uporabiti. kaj naj naredim?S strojem bomo poslali video in angleški priročnik. Če še vedno dvomite, lahko se pogovarjamo po telefonu ali skypu in e-pošti.Q3: Če se med garancijskim obdobjem s tem strojem pojavijo težave, kaj naj naredim?V garancijskem obdobju stroja bomo dobavili brezplačne dele, če ima stroj težave. Zagotavljamo tudi brezplačne doživljenjske poprodajne storitve. Torej morebitni dvomi, samo sporočite nam, ponudili vam bomo rešitve. Q4: Preden mi pošljete povpraševanje o našem velikem laserskem stroju, bolje je, da mi posredujete naslednje informacije1)Vaša velikost kovinskega ali nekovinskega materiala. Ker v naši tovarni, imamo različne modele glede na delovno področje.2)Vaši materiali. Kovina/akril/steklo/MDF?


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