LKLazee Laser Engraving Machine For Smart Mirrors Art


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Laser Engraving Machine For Smart Mirrors Art
Produktnavn: LED mirror laser engraving machine
Model: LK-MR-100S
Contact:Gavin:+86 18232160688

High-Precision Coating

Highlight the machine’s ability to precisely remove coatings on the backside of mirrors, ensuring a clean and pristine surface for LED light integration.

Advanced Fiber Laser

Showcase the cutting-edge fiber laser technology utilized by the machine. Mention the two power options (50W and 100W) and the impressive lifetime of approximately 80,000 hours.

Large Working Area
1220 x 2440mm.

Promote the spacious working area of 1220mm by 2440mm, allowing for the processing of mirrors of various sizes and designs, such as bathrooms, commercial spaces, and dressing rooms.
Seamless LED Light Integration
Remove the coating without damaging the mirror surface, providing a perfect seamless and flawless integration of LED lights,enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality o
High Precision Led Mirror Laser Engraving Machine
Introduction:Welcome to the future of mirror production! We proudly present our cutting-edge mirror coating removal fiber laser machine,specifically designed to revolutionize the manufacturing process of LED lighted mirrors. Say goodbye to traditional coating removal methods and embrace the efficiency, precision, and exceptional results offered by our state-of-the-art machine.
Unleash the Potential of LED Lighted Mirrors:LED lighted mirrors, also known as illuminated mirrors, have become the epitome of modern elegance and functionality. These mirrors feature built-in LED lights that provide enhanced visibility and illumination for a multitude of purposes, including makeup application, shaving, and grooming. Our mirror coating removal fiber laser machine allows you to effortlessly produce LED lighted mirrors with impeccable quality, transforming any space into a sophisticated and well-lit haven.
Efficient Coating Removal:Our machine excels at removing coatings on the backside of mirrors, paving the way for flawless LED light integration. Powered by a cutting-edge fiber laser generator with two power options (50W and 100W), our machine boasts an impressive lifetime of approximately 80,000 hours, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability. With a central wavelength of 1064nm, the laser effectively burns and removes the coating while preserving the integrity of the mirror surface, resulting in a pristine canvas for LED light integration.
Large Working Area, Limitless Possibilities:We understand the importance of flexibility and scalability in mirror production. That’s why our mirror coating removal fiberlaser machine features a spacious working area of 1220mm by 2440mm, providing ample room to accommodate various mirror sizes and designs. With this expansive capacity, you have the freedom to unleash your creativity and fulfill diverse customer demands, whether it’s for residential, commercial, or hospitality projects.
Precision and Safety Integrated:At the heart of our machine lies precision and safety. The laser technology employed ensures pinpoint accuracy, allowing for meticulous and uniform coating removal across the entire mirror surface. Our machine also incorporates advanced safety features, including protective enclosures and user-friendly controls, ensuring a secure working environment for operators. With our mirror coating removal fiber laser machine, you can achieve outstanding results with uncompromised safety.
Embrace Innovation, Elevate Your Business:
Investing in our mirror coating removal fiber laser machine is an investment in innovation, efficiency, and unmatched quality. Seamlessly remove coatings on the backside of mirrors, paving the way for seamless LED light integration. Cater to the growing demand for LED lighted mirrors and captivate customers with your superior products.
​Conclusion:Join the ranks of industry leaders by embracing our mirror coating removal fiber laser machine. Experience the transformative power of precision, efficiency, and exceptional results. Delight your customers with flawless LED lighted mirrors, adding a touch of elegance and functionality to any setting. With our machine as your ally, the possibilities are endless, and your business can thrive in the dynamic world of mirror production.
Machine model
mirror laser engraving machine
laser engraving machine for mirror
Laser type
JPT high-end customized laser source
Laser power
Working area
Engraving accuracy
Carving linear speed
Power consumption
Power supply
Kvalitet er vårt Paramount -oppdrag som ligger til grunn for livline i selskapet, Og det er den viktigste faktoren å opprettholde langsiktige forretningsforhold til kundene. Spesiell oppmerksomhet rettes mot kvaliteten på hver enhet med lasermaskin i stor størrelse. Standard kvalitetskontrollsystem og team er ansvarlige for å sikre produktkvaliteten i hver prosess med forskjellige instrumenter som laserinterferometer og lasermåler. Laserinterferometer og laserkollimator brukes gjennom den mekaniske monteringsprosessen. I lasermonteringsprosessen,Laserkraftmåleren og optisk mikroskop blir tatt i bruk.

Hver maskin har bestått ISO CE IAF -sertifisering.
Vår fabrikk
Hjertelig velkommen til å besøke fabrikken vår!!!Hjertelig velkommen til å kontakte oss direkte for mer informasjon!!!
LIKE LASER is a leading laser machinery manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in laser applications on glass and mirrors. We are committed to helping our customers process glass and mirrors in a new way. We have a full range of processing equipment, including large format laser LED mirror carving machines, large format laser glass surface carving machines, large format laser glass internal carving machines, large format laser glass conductive film carving machines, glass laser drilling machines, glass laser cutting machines, 3D glass internal carving machines, etc. With rich experience, stable quality, and reasonable prices, our machines have been exported to over 60 countries around the world. Our products can be easily found in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
We welcome you to contact us if you need any further information about our company or our products!
Pakking og forsendelse
1)Emballasje:Hele filmemballasjemaskin; Anti-Collision Package Edge; fumigation-fri kryssfiner treboks og paller med jernbindingsbelte.2)Frakt:Vi samarbeider med selskapet hvis erfaring innen havtransport vil garantere maskinsikkerheten din. Vi gir også transport, Spesielt for Russland, Ukraina og andre innlandsland.3)Betaling:Vi støtter t/t, L/C., VISUM, Mastercard betalingsbetingelser med Alibaba Trade Assurance.
Kunder og utstilling
Våre tjenester
1. Kjøp ServiceLIKE LASER har et spesialisert og effektivt arbeidsteam. Hvis du er ny på lasermaskinen, vi vil gi deg spesialisert forslag til hele arbeidet .2. Shipping ServiceLIKE LASER har en spesialisert og uavhengig avdeling som bare for å ordne frakt for kjøperens varer. Arbeiderne vet T/T,L/C-varer godt. Alle eksporterte dokumenter kan lages perfekt .3.InstallasjonstjenesteInstallasjonstjenester er tilgjengelige med alle LIKE LASER Company-maskiner.Vi sender tekniker til kjøpers fabrikk for installasjon og klargjøring av maskiner.4.KunderopplæringstjenesteLIKE LASER gir råd kjøperen kan sende egen tekniker til fabrikken vår for å lære å betjene maskiner. LIKE LASER Selskapets tekniker vil undervise og trene elevene hånd for hånd til han kan betjene maskinen selv. 5. Ettersalgsservice LIKE LASER-maskiners garantitid er tre år, unntatt forbruksdeler;FAQQ1: Jeg visste ingenting om denne maskinen, hva slags maskin bør jeg velge?Veldig enkelt å velge. Bare fortell oss hva du vil gjøre ved å bruke CNC lasermaskin, så la oss gi deg perfekte løsninger og forslag. Q2: Da jeg fikk denne maskinen, men jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal bruke det. Hva burde jeg gjøre?Vi sender video og engelsk manual med maskinen. Hvis du fortsatt er i tvil, vi kan snakke på telefon eller skype og e-post. Q3: Hvis det oppstår problemer med denne maskinen i løpet av garantiperioden, hva burde jeg gjøre?Vi vil levere gratis deler under maskingarantiperioden hvis maskinen har noen problemer. Mens vi også leverer gratis livslang ettersalgsservice. Så noen tvil, bare gi oss beskjed, vi vil gi deg løsninger. Q4: Før du sender meg en forespørsel om vår lasermaskin i stor størrelse, det er bedre for deg å gi meg følgende informasjon1)Din metall- eller ikke-metallmaterialstørrelse. Fordi i vår fabrikk, vi har forskjellige modeller i henhold til arbeidsområde.2)Materialene dine. Metall/Akryl/Glass/MDF?


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