+86 18232160688

Magni tal-inċiżjoni bil-lejżer tal-mera tal-kamra tal-banju tintuża għall-mera tal-ixkatlar u l-mera tal-inċiżjoni


+ Tbaħħir Ħieles

Ħarsa ġenerali tal-prodott

Bathroom mirror laser engraving machine is used for sanding mirror and engraving mirror

Application Of Large Format Laser Glass Etching Machine

1. Remove the bathroom mirror, smart mirror, eċċ. and the coating on the back of the mirror, directly turn it into frosted or transparent, and carve patterns on the mirror
2. Directly engrave patterns on decorative glass
3.Carve ITO glass conductive film, which is used to make automobile glass and photovoltaic glass
PS: our glass machinery is laser engraving, which will not damage the glass or cause any pollution

Different Sizes For Your Demands:

Mudell 1: 800mm*1200mm
Mudell 2: 1300*2500mm
Mudell 3: 1500*3000mm
PS:Customizable size

Sample Show

1) Mirror EngravingMake the mirror transparent or frosted

The production of traditional Smart Mirror and bathroom mirror requires multiple processes such as film pasting, engraving, film tearing and sand blasting
Our large format glass etching machine can directly talk about mirror grinding sand, and one process can be completed!

Customer samples

2)Engraved patterns on glassused for decorative glass, glass gifts, glass lettering

Customer samples
PSCombined with LED lighting, the product image emits light actively

Long Service Life
The laser has a service life of 100000 hours without any consumables and vulnerable parts
 Multi Purpose
It can process all kinds of glass mirrors and carve metal surfaces
Low Power Consumption
1kW ~ 1.5KW per hour
No Pollution
no pollution in laser processing, and equipped with dust collection function!
Simple Operation
you can print with pictures. We provide training and you can learn it in one day

Customer Case

Foam + Wooden Box For Safer Packing

CE Certification

Customs Bill

Aromatherapy Certificate

Is-Servizzi Tagħna

After-sale service:

1. One year guarantee period for product quality. (man made damaged is negotiable). 2. Lifelong maintenance and spare parts supply. 3. Free training for machines installation and operation of the staffs. 4. Free samples removing or marking of customer provided.

Certificate center:

Company Information

Bi pjaċir iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna!!!
Bi pjaċir ikkuntattjana direttament għal aktar informazzjoni!!!

1.Supported by the Shijiazhuang City Government 2. Cooperate with the Zhejiang University, update for technology 3. We are the manufacturer, our price are more competitive. 4. With 17 years history on reseaching and producing all kind of laser machine 5.Our company welcomes AGENTS all over the world

Our Exhibitions:


Jekk jogħġbok ġentilment għidilna l-informazzjoni li ġejja biex tikseb kwotazzjoni:* Which Material you need to cut?* Kif dwar il-ħxuna massima tagħhom?* Kif dwar il-wiċċ massimu tagħhom?* Skype & WhatsApp

Numru tal-Mudell


Rapport tat-Test tal-Makkinarju


Metodu tal-mili

Massimu 5 irjus għal 5 kuluri li jimlew l-irjus tal-bidla awtomatika pnewmatiċi

Linja tat-tpinġija

3 irjus għal 3 kulur (Iswed, Abjad, Golden)


Importat mit-Tajwan Mingwei

Ċinturin sinkroniku

Marka Ġappuniża Kawamoto

Pożizzjonament fotoelettriku

Brand Panasonic Ġappuniż

Valv ta 'pressjoni negattiva

Korea t'Isfel 3S Brand

Ħajja tal-lejżer

10000 sigħat

Tip tal-laser

Reeko Fiber laser

Daqs tal-proċess

1300mm * 2500mm(personalizzati)

Komponenti tal-qalba


Garanzija tal-komponenti ewlenin

1 Sena

Tip ta' Marketing

Prodott Ġdid 2021

Spezzjoni tal-ħruġ tal-vidjo


Ħxuna tal-ħġieġ

Uża l-ħxuna kollha

Max. Daqs tal-ħġieġ

3000*1500mm, 3000mm*5000mm

Punti Ewlenin tal-Bejgħ

Preċiżjoni għolja


1 Sena


1050 kg


2900mm x 1500mm x 1100mm


0.5~ 1KW


220V, 110V

L-isem tad-ditta

Bħal Laser

Post ta' Oriġini

Hebei, Iċ-Ċina

Kapaċità tal-Produzzjoni


Tip ta 'Magni

Magni tal-inċiżjoni / Router CNC



Post tal-vetrina


Industriji Applikabbli

Ħwienet tal-Materjal tal-Bini, Impjant tal-Manifattura, Bejgħ bl-imnut, Xogħlijiet ta' kostruzzjoni , fabbrika tal-ħġieġ, Dekorazzjoni tal-liftijiet, Dekorazzjoni ta 'l-istainless steel, inċiżjoni

After-sales Service Provided

Online support, Field installation, commissioning and training


S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.

Kun l-ewwel li tirrevedi "Magni tal-inċiżjoni bil-lejżer tal-mera tal-kamra tal-banju tintuża għall-mera tal-ixkatlar u l-mera tal-inċiżjoni”

L-indirizz elettroniku tiegħek mhux se jiġi ppubblikat. L-oqsma meħtieġa huma mmarkati *

Katalogu Ħieles

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