+86 18232160688

Magni Awtomatiċi tal-Inċiżjoni bil-Laser Co2 Makeup Machine Mirror Mgħaffeġ tar-ramel Floor Led Mirror


+ Tbaħħir Ħieles

Ħarsa ġenerali tal-prodott

Automatic Co2 Laser Engrave Metal Makeup Machine Mirror Crushed Sand Floor Led Mirror

Product Introduction

LIKE LASER The latest research and developmentlarge format intelligent mirror engraving machine is a product specially designed for the innovation of artistic mirrors. It can directly remove the paint surface of the mirror and make the mirror transparent. It is used for intelligent mirror pattern engraving, touch key engraving, eċċ; The intelligent mirror heating film can also be carved for intelligent mirror heating. The machine has the advantages of low noise, high speed, preċiżjoni għolja, konsum baxx, spiża baxxa tax-xogħol, maintenance free and environmental protection. It is the best model for enterprise upgrading and designer creative display. From now on, your creativity and innovation will be unlimited.
PS: our large format intelligent mirror engraving machine adopts laser technology and will not cause any damage and pollution to the mirror!

Equipment Size

Mudell 1: 800mm*1200mm
Mudell 2: 1300*2500mmModel 3: 1500*3000mmPS:Customizable size

Sample Show

Provide customers with samples and testing services free of charge

Long Service Life
The laser has a service life of 100000 hours without any consumables and vulnerable parts
Multi Purpose
It can process all kinds of glass mirrors and carve metal surfaces
Low Power Consumption
1KW ~ 1.5KW per hour
No Pollution
no pollution in laser processing, and equipped with dust collection function!
Simple Operation
you can print with pictures. We provide training and you can learn it in one day

Export Cases

Foam + Wooden Box For Safer Packing

CE Certification

Customs Bill

Aromatherapy Certificate

Is-Servizzi Tagħna

After-sale service:

1. One year guarantee period for product quality. (man made damaged is negotiable). 2. Lifelong maintenance and spare parts supply. 3. Free training for machines installation and operation of the staffs. 4. Free samples removing or marking of customer provided.

Company Information

Bi pjaċir iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna!!!
Bi pjaċir ikkuntattjana direttament għal aktar informazzjoni!!!

CHINA LIKE LASER brand established in 2003, is a professional laser machinery manufacturer. The company has developed smoothly and rapidly, with more than 150 employees. We have our own R&D team that focusing on large size laser equipment, large size laser engraving and marking system, and advanced production and testing equipment. Our main products divide: Large Size Mirror Laser Marking Machine, Large Size Metal Laser Etching Machine, Large Size Glass Laser Engraving Machine, Large Size Glass 3D Laser Engraving Machine, Large Size Glass Laser Sanding Machine, Large Size Metal Laser Deep Carve Machine, Large Size Colour Metal Laser Engraving Machine.

The quality of the products of LIKE LASER has been controlled in accordance with the standard of ISO9001 International Quality Management System. We have received a good reputation with our customers with high-quality products, reliable service. While supplying to the domestic market, we also exported our products to Romania, South Korea, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, the Philippines, India, Thailand, South Africa, Algeria, Awstralja, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. LIKE LASER adheres to the business principle of "winning high praise with high-quality products and services" all the time, and provides customers with the whole processes from product design, development, production, installation to after-sale service with first-class technology and products. Our company has been awarded the title of "reliable product and service supplier" by many users. We will also be moving forward continuously with excellent management and advanced development consciousness, and promoting our products to the domestic and foreign markets. We sincerely look forward to your cooperation, warmly welcome your arrival and create a better future for us.

Our Exhibitions:


Jekk jogħġbok ġentilment għidilna l-informazzjoni li ġejja biex tikseb kwotazzjoni:* Which Material you need to cut?* Kif dwar il-ħxuna massima tagħhom?* Kif dwar il-wiċċ massimu tagħhom?* Skype & WhatsApp

Numru tal-Mudell


Rapport tat-Test tal-Makkinarju


Veloċità tal-Linja tal-Inċiżjoni


Ħin tat-tisħin minn qabel

Inqas minn minuta

Preċiżjoni tal-inċiżjoni


Modalità tax-Xogħol

Laser Pulse

Formola ta' Moviment

Ħames Assi Linkage

Modalità tat-tkessiħ

Tkessiħ bl-Arja

Rekwiżiti tal-Vultaġġ

220V/110V 50 ~ 60HZ

Ħajja tal-Laser


Qawwa tal-Laser


Komponenti tal-qalba

Mutur, Laser

Garanzija tal-komponenti ewlenin

1 Sena

Tip ta' Marketing

Prodott Ġdid 2022

Spezzjoni tal-ħruġ tal-vidjo


Ħxuna tal-ħġieġ


Max. Daqs tal-ħġieġ


Punti Ewlenin tal-Bejgħ

Faċli biex topera


1 Sena


1200 kg







L-isem tad-ditta

Like Laser

Post ta' Oriġini

Hebei, Iċ-Ċina

Kapaċità tal-Produzzjoni


Tip ta 'Magni

Magni tal-inċiżjoni / Router CNC



Post tal-vetrina

Kanada, France, Saudi Arabia, Spain, UAE, South Africa, Tajikistan

Industriji Applikabbli

Bathroom Mirror, Smart Mirror, Cosmetic Mirror, LED Mirror




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Kun l-ewwel li tirrevedi "Magni Awtomatiċi tal-Inċiżjoni bil-Laser Co2 Makeup Machine Mirror Mgħaffeġ tar-ramel Floor Led Mirror”

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