Laser Sandblasting Mirror Glass / Machines Laser Mirror For Used For Removing Engraving From Mirror Paint


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Laser Sandblasting Mirror Glass / Machines Laser Mirror For Used For Removing Engraving From Mirror Paint

Pregled proizvoda

Large Size Mirror Laser Engraving Machine

It newly developed by LIKE LASER mirror laser engraving machine is specially designed for innovation of art mirror, He directly carved the mirror, making it transparent, forming patterns and touching buttons this machine with low noise, fast speed, high precision, low consumption, low labor cost, maintain-free and eco-friendly, is the best modle for company upgrading and designer's idea showing. there will be no limitation for your creativity and innovation from now on.


We provide free sample proofing, welcome your consultation


Laser Device
MAX/Raycus/ JPT Pulsed Fiber Lase Marking
Laser Lifetime
Max/JPT pulsed fiber laser
Laser power
Laser Wavelength
Repetition accuracy
Working area
Marking Speed
Yaskawa, Japan
Computer working system
Microsoft Windows 10
Tank Chain
Customized and Fully Enclosed
Graphic format supported
bmp, jpg, gif, tga, png,tif,ai,dxf,dst,plt,itd.
 LED mirror laser engraving machine


1.3rd Generation Aviation Aluminum Gantry
It is manufactured with aerospace standards and formed by 4300 tons press extrusion molding. After aging treatment, its strength can reach 6061 T6 which is the strongest strength of all gantries. Aviation aluminum has many advantages, such as good toughness,light weight, corrosion resistance, anti-oxidation, low density, and greatly increase the processing speed.
2.High quality machine tools
The unique machine tool mechanism with self-service design, multiple imported servo motors, imported electrical components, and thickened workbench make the machine stable and durable
3. One machine with multiple functions
It can carve patterns on the surface of metal plates of various sizes and thicknesses, and can also carve mirrors directly for the manufacture of bathroom mirrors and household appliances!
4. Environmental protection
Metal surface carving can replace most of the etching process without any pollution!

Kontrola kvalitete

Kvaliteta je naša najvažnija misija koja podupire život tvrtke, i to je najvažniji čimbenik za održavanje dugoročnih poslovnih odnosa s kupcima. Posebna pažnja posvećena je kvaliteti svake jedinice laserskog stroja velike veličine. Standardni sustav kontrole kvalitete i tim odgovorni su za osiguranje kvalitete proizvoda u svakom procesu s različitim instrumentima poput laserskog interferometra i laserskog mjerača snage. Laserski interferometar i laserski kolimator koriste se kroz mehanički proces sklapanja. U procesu laserske montaže,usvojeni su laserski mjerač snage i optički mikroskop.

Svaki stroj je prošao ISO CE IAF certifikat.

Naša tvornica

Srdačno dobrodošli da posjetite našu tvornicu!!!Srdačno dobrodošli kontaktirajte nas izravno za više informacija!!!

LIKE LASER osnovan je u srpnju 2003 u Shijiazhuangu, glavni grad provincije Hebei, Kina. Samostalno istraživanje i razvoj velikih laserskih sustava i čipova Jedan je od najvećih proizvođača laserske opreme u sjevernoj Kini. The company's main products are: inteligentni zrcalni stroj za graviranje velike veličine, stroj za jetkanje stakla velikih dimenzija, stroj za lasersko jetkanje velikog formata od nehrđajućeg čelika, stroj za duboko graviranje metala velikog formata. Uglavnom staklo, ogledalo, nehrđajući čelik, bakar, aluminij, drugi metali, površinsko graviranje Nakon 17 godina razvoja, tvrtka je prošla ISO90001 međunarodni certifikat sustava kvalitete, EU CE certifikat i US certifikat.

Packing and shipment

1)Packaging:Whole film packaging machine; anti-collision package edge; fumigation-free plywood wooden box and pallets with iron binding belt.2)Shipping:We cooperate with the company whose experience in the ocean transportation will guarantee your machine safety. We also providetrain transport, especially to Russia, Ukraine and other inland countries.3)Payment:We support T/T, L/C, VISA, Mastercard payment terms with Alibaba Trade Assurance.

Klijenti i izložbe

Naše usluge

1. Usluga kupnje LIKE LASER ima specijaliziran i učinkovit radni tim. Ako ste novi na laserskom stroju, dat ćemo vam specijalizirani prijedlog cijelog posla .2. Shipping ServiceLIKE LASER have a specialized and independent department which just for arranging shipping for buyer's goods .The workers are knowing T/T,L/C Items well.all Exported documents could be made perfectly .3.Installation ServiceInstallation Services are available with all LIKE LASER Company machines.We will dispatch technician to The Buyer's factory to installation and preparation of machines.4.Clients Training ServiceLIKE LASER advises the buyer could send own technician come to our factory to learn how to operate machines.LIKE LASER Company technician will teach and train the learners hand by hand till he can operate machine by himself.5.After Sales ServiceLIKE LASER machines guarantee time is three year, osim potrošnih dijelova;FAQP1: Nisam znao ništa o ovoj mašini, koju vrstu stroja trebam odabrati?Vrlo lako odabrati. Samo nam recite što želite učiniti koristeći CNC laserski stroj, onda nam dopustite da vam damo savršena rješenja i prijedloge.P2: Kad sam dobio ovaj stroj, ali ne znam kako to koristiti. Što da radim?Uz stroj ćemo poslati video i engleski priručnik. Ako još uvijek imate nekih nedoumica, možemo razgovarati telefonom ili skypeom i e-mailom.P3: Ako se neki problemi dogode ovom stroju tijekom jamstvenog roka, što da radim?Isporučit ćemo besplatne dijelove tijekom jamstvenog roka stroja ako stroj ima nekih problema. Dok također pružamo besplatnu dugotrajnu uslugu nakon prodaje. Dakle, svaka sumnja, samo nam javi, mi ćemo vam dati rješenja. Q4: Prije nego što mi pošaljete upit o našem laserskom stroju velike veličine, bolje je da mi date sljedeće informacije1)Vaša veličina metalnog ili nemetalnog materijala. Jer u našoj tvornici, imamo različite modele prema radnom području.2)Vaši materijali.Metal/Akril/Staklo/MDF?

Model Number


Machinery Test Report


Engraving Line Speed



Mirror laser engraving machine

Engraving Accuracy


Working Mode

Laser Pulse

Movement Form

Five Axis Linkage

Cooling Mode

Air Cooling

Voltage Lequirements

220V/110V 50~60HZ

Laser Lifetime


Laser Power


Core Components

Motor, Laser

Warranty of core components

1 Year

Marketing Type

New Product 2022

Video outgoing-inspection


Glass Thickness


Max. Glass Size


Key Selling Points

Easy to Operate


1 Year


1500 kg







Brand Name

Like Laser

Place of Origin

Hebei, Kina

Production Capacity


Machine Type

Engraving Machine / CNC Router



Showroom Location

India, Kenya, Argentina

Applicable Industries

Glass industry, Mirror industry




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